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Card Talk

Mar 30, 2021

As we draw this series on healing cards to a close, it's likely important for us to consider the best healer in all of Middle-Earth, Elrond. But, this episode we look at ally Elrond instead of the Hero. While we don't love him, we do appreciate his place in the card pool.

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Mar 23, 2021

While we are continuing our discussion of cards that heal, we are shifting to a few cards that only have an option to heal as one of many choices. Magic ring is one of those cards, and probably not used as often for healing as it is for its other choices, but it can work in a pinch.

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Mar 9, 2021

As we return to our regular format, we continue our series on healing cards with Healing Herbs.  This card seems mediocre at best, but is a nice addition to the card pool as an option for healing using an attachment.

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Mar 1, 2021

Remember that our reason for doing Superlative February is to honor the game that is on hiatus and the best way we could do that is to have Caleb talk about the game that he designed for us for so long

So, we are excited to bring you this final show in Superlative February. This show is part of our extravaganza month...